Learn to close your ears, eyes and mouth momentarily and you will succeed in life


The wise man once knew that there is a fixed time for everything, a time for all activity under heaven. Well yes, you have to learn how to close your mouth, your ears and why not even your eyes?

Close your ears to whatever people say about you and your plans. With us, those who do nothing are the ones who speak in everything, especially when it comes to criticizing and mocking, be completely deaf to ears.

Close your eyes to other people’s lives to get out of unnecessary comparisons and stay focused on yourself alone. In our country, people live too much in people’s eyes, 90% of their actions are to impress someone, they no longer live for themselves.

Keep your mouth shut about your next plans and goals until they are achieved. In our country, daring to tell everyone about your plans will make you never arrive; Everyone will say for himself in it. It’s better to keep your mouth shut.

There are too many opinions in our environment, even to sleep, there are opinions to be taken into account, there are too many people to satisfy, there are too many people to consider, everyone necessarily wants to dictate to others how to live or how to speak knowing that they themselves do not have a proper life… You can listen and even be inspired, but then do what you want even if people don’t like it.

This World!

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Hakizimana Maurice is a professional teacher who teaches at the second level in France. Follow him at  Facebook,Twitter and Instagram

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