Professor Hakizimana Maurice-who is he?

Prof Hakizimana Maurice, is a teacher by profession who has a multidisciplinary higher education, among others, a Bachelor’s degree in Education Sciences, Applied Pedagogy, Agrégé de l’Enseignement secondaire,Master II-MEEF (Professions of Education, Teaching and Training (Catholic University of Paris -France), Master II in Sociology and Social Sciences and Humanities (Sorbonne Université Paris-France), Translator/Interpreter in French/English/Kinyarwanda/Kirundi based in Paris/France. He is a professor of Culture and Modern Foreign Languages of the 2nd degree, within the Academy of Creteil, France.

Passionate about teaching, literature, history, the Bible, culture, and diversity, he presented as a final research work the thesis entitled: “Les élèves venus d’ailleur-comment les accompagner pour reussir leur scolarité” , dealing with the current issue, that of allophone Black African, North African, and especially Ukrainian students who come to settle in France, the country where the compulsory language of schooling is French. He thus shared with his fellow French teachers his experiences and psycho-pedagogical approaches in order to best support this public towards a certain academic success.

To date, he publishes, on a daily basis, short articles that are greatly appreciated by his general public in three languages: French, English and Kinyarwanda via his educational and his Whatsapp channel:

He has published short articles on his website such as:

-Beard-wearing is back: here’s the short history of beard-wearing
-The Map of Africa Shrunk: This Is The True Size Of Our Continent
-Your attention please: your words, actions and reactions reveal whether or not you are suffering from Psychoanalytic Diseases
-Cercopoidea(spittlebugs)and their spit: what you weren’t told as a childTHIS IS HOW YOU CAN BE ALWAYS HAPPY IN LIFENo, the descendants of Canaan, the one who was cursed, were not blackTHE STORY OF THE ABORTED EXILE OF THE THREE ANIMAL FRIENDS6 LESSONS TO BE LEARNED FROM THE EAGLE
–Did Jesus Really Exist?

Prof Hakizimana Maurice is a go-to blogger who comments on his website and social networks all kinds of interesting topics that inspire confidence, love,marriage, optimism, life, family well-being, true piety, “Ubuntu” in all its forms, not to mention his Great Creator.