HAKIZIMANA Maurice Halloween, or Hallowe’en (less commonly known as Allhalloween, All Hallows’ Eve, or All Saints’ Eve), is a celebration observed…
Category: THE BIBLE
Bible Question: Where did Cain find his wife?
HAKIZIMANA Maurice According to the Bible,Cain, the eldest child of the first human couple, married one…
“Sodoma”, the book that lifts the veil on homosexuality in the Catholic Church
HAKIZIMANA Maurice Frédéric Martel’s book, translated into eight languages, is being published in around twenty countries.…
The Function of Cat Whiskers
HAKIZIMANA Maurice DOMESTIC cats are mostly nocturnal. Whiskers apparently help them to identify nearby objects and…
Valentine’s Day — But who was this “Valentine” and what is the origin of it?
HAKIZIMANA Maurice On February 14th, Valentine’s Day, a celebration of lovers, cards and gifts! While Valentine’s…
What the Bible Reveals About Christmas
HAKIZIMANA Maurice The Bible does not give the date of Jesus’ birth, nor does it say…
The origins of Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas,Père Noël, Kris Kringle, Sinterklaas
HAKIZIMANA Maurice According to legend, in the fourth century, Nicholas, bishop of Myra (in southwestern Turkey)…
HAKIZIMANA Maurice The Encyclopedia Britannica wrote: The New York Times asks : “Why the christmas tree is decorated with…
“No, the descendants of Canaan, the one who was cursed, were not black” by Hakizimana Maurice
HAKIZIMANA Maurice In the Bible,Genesis 9:20-27 we read: 20 Now Noah started off as a farmer, and…