Here are five things sex doesn’t do! Think again


Think again! Having sex doesn’t elevate you, doesn’t solve much in your life, and shouldn’t be something you aim for as a goal in life. You can fall in love, be in a relationship, but not get into the business of sex. Sex doesn’t make grow, or keep a relationship. Rather, the act may prematurely destroy your relationship.Ok, let me explain

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(1) Sex doesn’t strengthen a relationship, sex is not love.

A Relationship that is weak is weak not because there is no sex in it, but because there is no love no affection, no attention.That’s the truth. To strenghten a relationshop you both need a good communication and a real commitment in it. Remember, “sex is not love”.Adequate good and daily communication, giving tttention to each other (hanging out, spending time together) and showing affection (speaking each other’s love language) for each other strengthens relationships.

(2) Sex doesn’t spice up a relationship

Some think this way: “let’s spice our relationship with sex”. A Relationshp is boring not because of a lack of sex, but because of a lack of purpose, fun, friendship and excitement in the individual and cooperate lives of those in it.

(3) Sex doesn’t prove love

Some think this way: “if you love me, prove it”. Sex is not a way you prove your love for anyone, especially someone you’re not married to, in fact, abstinence is a better proof of love than sex.Your ability to wait is a proof of true love than your inability to wait which is rather a proof of lust. A Person can have sex with you and not love you. “Sex without love is merely healthy exercise.”

(4) Sex doesn’t keep a relationship

Some think this way: “I don’t want to lose him”. You can give him/her sex and they’ll will still dump you tomorrow, i am in touch with victims of this daily. Even with good sex, marriages still break down everyday,talk less of a relationship. What keeps a relationship is love, respect, character and, commitment.

(5) Sex doesn’t prove that you’re a mature adult

Some may think “We’re matured adults, let’s do it.” When did sex become the sign of matured adults?Immature and irresponsible teenagers have sex everyday, does that make them adults? Sex doesn’t mean you’re matured, rather you prove your maturity by discipline and self control.


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Making love, having sex, is a precious gift. It brings immense joy between two committed adults. Do not be misled.Just because you feel the need to have sex doesn’t mean you have to. Everything in this life has its time. If you are mature and responsible, you will wait for the moment when your love is ripe to consume the pleasure of sex within the framework of marriage.Keep sex out of your relationship and build a solid foundation for your marriage.Teach your children that being sexually active at an early age only hurts their entire lives! Class dismissed.

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Hakizimana Maurice II Follow me on Whatsapp : channel on WhatsApp:

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