Now that you know what PhD is, what is ThD?

HAKIZIMANA Maurice In very few words, a ThD is a doctorate in theology as the PhD…

Russia-Ukraine: Three Russian military and reconnaissance aircraft intercepted over the Baltic Sea by Germany and England

HAKIZIMANA Maurice According to today’s reports, three Russian planes have gone to check if German and…

“LES ELEVES VENUS D’AILLEURS : COMMENT LES ACCOMPAGNER POUR REUSSIR LEUR SCOLARITE” : Mémoire de Master MEEF (Métiers de l’Enseignement, de l’Education et de la Formation) par Hakizimana Maurice

HAKIZIMANA Maurice RESUME Les élèves nouvellement arrivés en France et dans le système éducatif français ont…

Train students in the values of the Republic (short STOP BULLYING sessions prepared by Hakizimana Maurice)

HAKIZIMANA Maurice Outil: Transmettre et faire vivre les valeurs de la République : guide républicain Classe-de-3eme-enseigner-les-valeurs-dea-RepubliqueDownload Four…

| Did Jesus Really Exist?

HAKIZIMANA Maurice ◇ Some people say that Jesus (of the Bible) is a man who never…

Has anyone betrayed, intimidated, deceived or humiliated you? Don’t be stressed because the trip is too short.

HAKIZIMANA Maurice Don’t be overly stressed because the trip is too short A woman got on…


HAKIZIMANA Maurice Nature is amazing and has a lot to teach us. In short, almost everything…

“YOU SHINE TOO MUCH AND IT BOTHERS ME”-Go and shine, let the jealous lose weight“

HAKIZIMANA Maurice “YOU SHINE TOO MUCH AND IT BOTHERS ME” Legend has it that a snake…