Did you know? There are 1.3 million kilometers of underwater cables buried in the depths of the oceans to give you the internet


Wifi, 5G and smartphones give the image of a wireless world. However, if we know the Internet as it is today, it is thanks to submarine cables: they channel nearly 99% of international traffic. Indeed, satellites only play a very marginal role.

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The internet is known to pulse through fiber optic cables and cell phone towers, but 99% of high-speed international information is transferred under the sea. How long has this been happening? Underwater cables delivering information isn’t a novel idea — the first Transatlantic cable was laid in 1858—undersea cables have been around since the telegraph.

1.3 million kilometers of submarine cables lie in the depths of the oceans. They are largely unknown, but without them the Internet would not be the same. Without them, it would be impossible to exchange instant messages from one end of the planet to the other, to use streaming services or to work remotely as was the case for millions of employees during the pandemic. Although submarine cables are relatively unknown, there are more than 420 in the world in 2021, that is 1.3 million kilometers of fiber optic cables crossing the oceans and connecting the continents.

This world,

HAKIZIMANA Maurice: II To follow my channel  Whatsapp https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaCyM5ILdQejDYwQ2b2u II To follow me on facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/professormaurice/

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