This pretty woman is “ecosexual”, meaning that she is in a relationship with a tree!


Ecosex or ecosexuality is a set of sexual and romantic practices consisting of taking nature as a lover. The next story is about a pretty woman who opened up about her relationship with a tree and how she is “ecosexual.”

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Her names are Sonja Semyonova, 45, from British Columbia. She fell in love with an oak tree. It was in 2020, in the midst of the covid-19 lockdown, that Sonja met his love, the tree, for the first time. Since then, his heart has been beating. Sonja then visited his new love, the tree on a daily basis during her walks and in the summer of 2021 she began to feel “erotic” sensations when in contact with the tree.

“I walked a path by the tree five days a week for the entire winter. I noticed a connection to the tree. I’d be lying if I said otherwise. There was eroticism with something so big and so old that held me back.” –Sonja

She adds,

“The feeling of being small and supported by something so solid. The feeling of not being able to fall. I craved that surge of erotic energy that comes when you meet a new partner.”

How does she live in a relationship with the tree?

Sonja does not have a physical relationship (sexual relationship) with the tree, she says that the simple fact of seeing it, touching it makes her crazy with joy, an immense satisfaction more erotic than the one receives during sexual relations between humans.

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She explains:

“Observing the changing seasons is an erotic act for me. We go from death in winter to then everything comes back to life in spring. There are similarities between the legs in the air with people and the eroticism that ecosexuals feel with nature, but they are not the same.”

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Sonja is an ecosexual woman, a form of love discovered in 2008 when a woman named by Annie Sprinkle, a feminist pro-sex activist and former pornographic actress, and her partner Elizabeth Stephens, present performances during which they symbolically marry natural elements: to the land in California, then to the sea in Venice, to stones in Barcelona, coal in Gijon.

Annie Sprinkle

Elizabeth Stephens

A few months later, they published an “ecosex manifesto” on the Internet that began with the words: “The Earth is our lover. We are madly, passionately, intensely in love and in love, and we are grateful for this relationship every day. »

This world,

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