Three friends: the donkey, the dog and the rooster, complain of being victims of the injustice of man. They decide to retire to live in a distant forest. Along the way, everyone says what he reproaches the man.

The donkey, who is chosen as the group leader, begins:

Me, the man makes me work all day, I plow the land, I carry him his water, his luggage, and when in the evening I finally return home, he gives me a violent blow with a stick and orders me to go get myself food, while my cousin the horse is treated like a prince. The man brings him food, washes him and cuts off his hooves, even when he climbs on him, he puts a chair on him so as not to hurt him. I can no longer bear this situation.

The dog then speaks:

I work all day and all night. During the day, I accompany the shepherd to guard the flock, and in the evening, I watch over the moment when everyone sleeps, and with all this the man only gives me his leftovers to eat and if he has no leftovers, I do not eat, while my cousin the cat never leaves the house,The man treats him like his son. This hell I can’t stand anymore.

Finally the rooster intervenes:

Everyone knows that I am the one who wakes the man up in the morning to say his prayers and then go about his business, but when he has visitors he kills me. When he runs out of money he sells me on the market. I cannot bear this precariousness either.

After the rooster speaks, the three friends arrive in the middle of the forest. They each build a box and settle there. They live quietly for many years. One day Bouki the Hyena, passing by their hut, notices their presence. She goes to warn the elephant their leader. The latter, to verify Bouki’s claims, sends Golo the monkey.

Seeing the monkey Golo arrive, the dog says to his friends: Let him come I will take care of it.

He jumps on Golo and breaks his leg. He turns around, dragging his paw. The elephant said to him: You are a scoundrel and he sends the scavenger.

When the donkey sees the scavenger he says to his friends: This one, leave it to me, I settle his account.

And he goes to bed to play dead. Seeing him in this position the scavenger rushes at him and immediately the three friends throw themselves on him and administer violent blows with sticks. The scavenger leaves with his body covered in blood.

“You are scoundrels,” said the elephant, “I’m the one who’s going to go.” As he approaches the three friends, the rooster says: This one, I am in charge of it.

He stands on the branch of a tree and waits for the elephant to pass. When the latter arrives just at his level, he jumps on him flapping his wings very hard and lays an egg on his head, all accompanied by very strong cocoricos. Taken by fear, the elephant fled. While running away he tramples on the huts of the three friends.

The donkey then gathers his companions and says to them:

“These people will never leave us alone again and we don’t know where to go. I suggest you apply the adage that says that he who no longer knows where he is going must go back to where he came from. »


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Hakizimana Maurice is a professional teacher who teaches at the second level in France. Follow him at  Facebook,Twitter and Instagram


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